Hearing Aid Technologies
Patients no longer have to fiddle with both of their hearing aids to try to get them balanced. With this latest wireless technology, hearing aids communicate and function as one hearing system. This intelligent circuit analyzes, interprets the environment, and shares information automatically and continuously. When you adjust one hearing aid, the other simultaneously self adjusts — both hearing aids are synchronized and balanced. The hearing aid also transmits signals wirelessly so it can connect to your cell phone, televisions, stereos and tablets with Bluetooth or wireless technology.
Hearing Aids at Highland Hearing
Everyone’s hearing is unique. Everyone’s lifestyle in unique. You have access to many makes and models of hearing aids at Highland Hearing Clinic. It’s one of the many perks of visiting a locally owned and operated hearing clinic. You and your audiologist will work together to decide which option is best for you. Take a look at the current styles of hearing aids.

Rechargeable RICs
Rechargeable hearing aids are the most popular style of hearing aids dispensed at Highland Hearing Clinic. People love never having to worry about changing their batteries. They simply place their hearing aids in their charger at night and they are confident that they will have uninterrupted hearing the following day.

Starkey Custom Rechargeable
It’s finally here! Want rechargeable hearing aids that fit all in your ear? Starkey now offers this option. Our clients love that they never have to change their batteries. Simply place them in the charger at night and you’ll have uninterrupted hearing the next day.

RIC with 312 Battery
Prefer to use the popular 312 battery? Our receiver-in-canal hearing aids are a great option and fit a wide range of hearing.

RIC with Size 10 Battery
Looking for the smallest receiver-in-canal hearing aids? Our size 10 battery devices are a great option.

Rechargeable BTE
Prefer to keep all if the electronics behind your ear? You can now get this style of hearing aid in a rechargeable model.

BTE with a #13 Battery
Like the longer life of a size 13 battery? A behind-the-ear device is a great option.

In-the-ear Model
Prefer to have the hearing aid fit only in your ear? Custom hearing aids are available with size 10, 312 or 13 batteries – the smaller the battery, the smaller the hearing aid.

Wireless in the Ear
Good news! You no longer have to wear hearing aids behind your ears to access wireless connectivity to smart phones and TVs.

3 in 1 Accessory
This all-in-one accessory works as a remote control, a partner microphone, or a Bluetooth adapter to connect to your cell phone.

Remote Control
Remote controls allow you to adjust your hearing aids discreetly without having to feel for buttons on the hearing aids.

There’s an app for that
Hearing aid apps give you even more control over your hearing aids. You can make sound adjustments, find your hearing aids if you lose them and even have a virtual appointment with us!

Instant Fit CIC
Yes, we carry that “German-made” hearing aid you’ve seen on the internet. It’s a very discreet instant fit option as the grey sleeves come in many sizes.

Prescription Audio Earbuds
This rechargeable audio device is an instant-fit option for those who need part time sound boost and love the idea of connecting to their smart phones via Bluetooth to listen to music, podcasts, audio books and of course phone calls.
Some frequently asked questions
How do you verify hearing aids?
Even the most advanced hearing aid technology won’t help you if it’s not providing the appropriate volume for your own hearing needs. At Highland Hearing Clinic, we measure the sound of a voice right in your ear canal. This process is called Real Ear Measurement or Speech Mapping. Even if you have the same hearing as someone else, the fact that your ear is a different size and shape will change the sound.
We measure by placing a very small microphone in your ear canal and measure the sound of a voice right in your ear. Research shows that people are more satisfied from the first day they receive their new hearing aids and require fewer follow up visits when these measurements are done. Family members also love seeing what their loved one is hearing.
When should I replace my hearing aid?
New hearing aids have a 3-year service warranty from both the manufacturer and Highland Hearing Clinic. If you require a manufacturer repair 3 to 5 years after purchase, the repair fee will included a new 6 to 12-month warranty. After 5 years, it is more cost effective to replace your hearing aid(s). With hearing aid technology improving in leaps and bounds, it is also a wise decision to invest in new hearing devices to take advantage of these improvements.
At Highland Hearing Clinic, you can arrange hearing aid demos for 6 weeks so you can decide whether you would like to upgrade your hearing aids. Also, often private health insurance allows the purchase of new hearing aids every 3 to 5 years, depending on your plan. Want to upgrade your hearing aids but not sure you can afford to? Ask us about our Better Hearing for All monthly payment plan.
What happens at my hearing aid appointment?
At your hearing aid fitting appointment, we measure the sound of a voice right in your ear canal. This ensures the hearing aid is providing optimal volume for your own hearing. Then you get to take hearing aids home for 6 weeks before deciding whether to purchase. You have a follow up appointment every 2 weeks in case you have any questions or needs some adjustments. These appointments can also occur virtually with an app on your cell phone. Your hearing aids will have a 3 year service warranty in case you need any adjustments, parts or repairs. You are also encouraged to bring your hearing aids in for a clean and check every 6 months.
Types of Hearing Aids

Open fit
Open fit hearing aids are small devices placed behind the ear with a slim tube attached to the device and inserted down the ear canal. They are non-occluding (they do not block your ear). This style is good for people with a high frequency hearing loss or mild to moderate hearing loss. They help you hear better when background noise is present.

Behind-the-ear (BTE)
BTEs sit comfortably behind your ear while amplified sound passes down a tube to a customized earmold that fits securely into your ear. Because they are larger, BTEs can accommodate bigger batteries for longer life and larger amplifiers for maximum amplification. BTEs are suitable for mild to profound hearing losses.

Receiver-in-the-ear (RITE)
RITEs sit comfortably behind your ear, while a thin wire is guided into the ear canal. The receiver, or speaker sits at the end of this wire and delivers sound to the eardrum. They are normally non-occluding (they do not block your ear) but these aids can be adapted for mild to severe hearing losses, and can be worn with or without a custom earpiece.

In-the-canal (ITC)
ITCs are custom-made to fit almost entirely inside your ear canal, making them difficult to notice. ITCs are suitable for mild to moderately-severe hearing losses.

In-the-ear (ITE)
ITEs are custom-made to fit securely in your outer ear, ensuring optimum performance and maximum comfort. ITEs are suitable for mild to severe hearing losses.

Completely-in-the-canal (CIC)
CICs fit deep inside your ear canal so that they’re practically invisible. Benefits include cosmetic appeal, reduced feedback and excellent sound quality. CICs and IICs are suitable for mild to moderately-severe hearing losses.
Arrange for Financing
We offer affordable financing for our customers.
Living your life to the fullest shouldn’t be sacrificed for financial reasons.
Better Hearing for All
Our Fees & Financing
Hearing exams take about an hour and are performed by a licensed audiologist. The current assessment fee is $72 which includes a written report for other health professionals, insurers, etc.
You can make arrangements for pre-authorized debit payments for up to 36 months with only a $5 per month admin fee and no interest.